A field of 82 players from 31 Clubs competed in the Associates Club House Cup 18-hole stroke event on Thursday, 20 February. Play commenced with a 2-tee start from 7:30am with light showers for the first part of the field.
Congratulations to Joint Winners Tessa Riley from Concord Golf Club and Sylvia Pham from Cromer Golf Club with scores of 75 net each.
3rd Place was Sharon Lee from The AGC with 76 net and Scratch Winner was Evie Lim from Newcastle with 94 gross. Tessa and Sylvia will have their names engraved on the trophy and all prize winners received AGC Golf Shop vouchers.
Club House Cup Full Field Results 2025
Entries are open for The Club House Cup to be played on Thursday, 20 February 2025.
The trophy was presented by Mrs T.R. Furber, Life Member and twice Associate President, to celebrate the opening of the new Clubhouse in 1986.
The format is an 18-hole stroke net event open to all women amateurs with a GA Handicap limit of 12.1 – 18.0. A field limit of 84 players applies and AGC Associates may enter by adding their name to the sign-up sheet on the locker room notice board, or by contacting Fran Duncan by either phone: 02) 8345 6927 or email: fduncan@australiangolfclub.com
Entry Fee – (includes Light Lunch):
$70 AGC Members – Charged to House Account
$115 Visitors (entries via MiTournament website)
Entries close: Thursday, 6 February